
Invited speaker

  • Taking ownership of the curriculum: The transformation of the Spanish Language Program at Princeton University (with M. Bono & A. Bruzos-Moro). AAUSC. Virtual meeting: October 2024.
  • Bringing Spanishes into the language classroom through corpus-based pedagogic material (with A. Merino). PCLS Lunch Talk Series. Princeton, NJ.: 2022
  • La variación morfosintáctica en el español de Colombia. Ciclo de conferencias: El español hablado en Colombia. Grupo de investigaciones Glotta - Universidad Industrial de Santander: December 2020. 
  • Voces de la periferia: retos y propuestas para enseñar una lengua local en los Estados Unidos, (with A. Faber, N. Cervantes, A. Holgado & P. Moscardó). El futuro de la enseñanza del español en Estados Unidos (Instituto Cervantes). New York, NY: December 2017.
  • Estatus dialectal y estructura sintáctica del “Ser Focalizador”. Asociación Alemana de Hispanistas (Hispanistentag). Heidelberg, Germany: March 2015.
  • Variación sintáctica y focalización: el caso del “Ser Focalizador”. Congreso Internacional de la Asociación de Lingüística y Filología de América Latina (ALFAL). João Pessoa, Brazil: July 2014.
  • Focus inside: evidence from the Spanish FS construction. Tuesday Seminar Series. Department of Linguistics. Honolulu, HI: University of Hawaii, at Manoa; January 2011.
  • “Ser” focalizador en el español colombiano.  Invited lecture to introduce the “XXVI Congreso Nacional de Lingüística, Literatura y Semiótica”. Universidad Industrial de Santander, Bucaramanga, Colombia; July 2010.


Peer-reviewed participation

  • Más allá de la sintaxis: aproximaciones multidisciplinarias en torno al Ser Focalizador. I Simposio Internacional sobre Variación Gramatical y Construcción del Significado. San Cristóbal de La Laguna, Spain. 2022.
  • Owning the Curriculum (with A. Bruzos-Moro and M. Bono). Symposium on Language Pedagogy in Higher Education. Virtual presentation. 2022.
  • Creating pedagogical materials using spoken corpora to develop socio-pragmatic competence (with A. Merino). Pragmatics and Language Learning Conference. Virtual presentation. 2022.
  • Celebrating language and its varieties: Bringing Spanishes into the classroom (with A. Merino). AATSP. San Juan: Puerto Rico. 2022.
  • Facilitating autonomous language learning and developing critical skills using an innovative Spanish learning platform (with A. Merino and A. Holgado-Lage). Owning the L2 Curriculum - CLTL Symposium. Virtual conference. 2021.
  • A syntactic-prosodic analysis of Focalizing ‘ser’ (with T. Flores). Acoustical Society of America, 179th Meeting. Virtual conference. 2021.
  • Exploring Issues of Sociolinguistic Variation in the Language Classroom. The American Association of Teachers of Spanish and Portuguese. San Diego, CA. 2019.
  • Surveying dialectal variation in Spanish: The case of the Focalizing Ser structure. Sociolinguistics Symposium 22. Auckland, New Zealand. 2018.
  • Engaging Critical Thinking in the Elementary and Intermediate L2 Classroom Using an Online Platform, (with A. Faber, A. Holgado Lage, A. Merino & L. A. Spino-Seijas). 49th Annual NeMLA Convention. Pittsburgh, PA. 2018.
  • Syntactic variation of focus marking: The case of the Focalizing Ser in Colombia. XXI Deutscher Hispanistentag. Munich, Germany. 2017.
  • Aprendo: An alternative to traditional language textbooks, (with A. Merino, L. A. Spino-Seijas & S. Zetterstrand). ACTFL Convention. Nashville, TN. 2017.
  • “Face, politeness and linguistic evolution in Colombian Spanish”. 3rd International Conference of the American Pragmatics Association. Bloomington, IN. 2016.
  • “TP-internal focus and dialectal variation: The case of the Focalizing Ser”. 8thInternational Workshop on Spanish Sociolinguistics (WSS8). San Juan, Puerto Rico. 2015.
  • “Focus on the dialects: The syntactic variation of focus marking in Caribbean Spanish”. Poster presentation with Manuel Delicado Cantero and Maria Carmen Parafita Couto. Hispanic Linguistics Symposium. Ottawa, Canada. 2013.
  • “Inside Spanish TPs”. XXVIII Biennial Conference on Hispanic Languages and Literatures. Baton Rouge, LA. 2012.
  •  “Quiubo marica”: The new trendy form of address in Colombian Spanish.  Hispanic Linguistics Symposium. Bloomington, IN. 2010.
  • TP-internal focus: The case of the focalizing ser (‘to be’) construction in Colombian Spanish.  38th Michigan Linguistics Society (MLS). Wayne State University. Detroit, MI. October 2008.


Other talks

  • Focus structures in Spanish: The FS puzzle. LIN Coffee Hour. Princeton University, Princeton, NJ: November 2024.
  • The Spanish Language Program at Princeton University (with M. Bono). Primer Encuentro de Programas de Español de Ivy Leagues. New Haven, CT: April 2024.